Donations Accepted by Check or Venmo
Mailing Address: PBLA Foundation Attn: Treasurer, W. Muchmore 40 S Custer Street Portland, OR 97219
Venmo: PBLAFoundation
Purchased Auction items click here to pay by credit/debit: Store
Italian Dinner and Silent Auction nets $15,000!
On March 2, 2025, Portland Bocce League Association Foundation held our Italian Dinner and Silent Auction event at St. Philip Neri Church. What a fun evening for over 100 guests.
About 60 silent auction items were available for bid. We raffled numerous items and offered a $25 Wine Wall with local wines. All items were donated by generous league members and community businesses.
We heard numerous guests comment on what an entertaining and beautiful event it was. The delicious food and drink flowed all evening, while the bidding got more and more competitive!
This event stunned us by netting 15K to go toward our bocce court project!
We are working on individual recognition of all our big-hearted donors and volunteers, but we wanted to send a big shout out to donors, volunteers, bidders, and guests for helping us create such a great party!
Congratulations to the team challenge winner... No Capish!
The coveted ribbon-cutting at PBLA new courts is yours. Congratulations and Thank You!
Congratulations also to the 14 Superstar teams that raised at least $1250. We look forward to seeing you at the inaugural tournament.

A special thank you to Valued Partner individuals donating $1000 or more!
James Horst, Rompi Le Palle Matt Giberson, Unholy Rollers Rob Hingst, in memory of Sue Knight Deboccery
Jonathan Nicholas, Il Cavalieri Richard Ponzi, No Capish
And matching grants from Oregon Sports Action (Jack Elder) and Richard Ponzi. We appreciate you all!
Click TEAM CHALLENGE to see prizes won. We appreciate every dollar donated to this fun challenge!
Did you know The People's Court offers Portland Bocce League Members a 25% discount on bocce court fees.
Simply mention you're a PBLA member when you are paying for your court at the front desk.